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Mountaineer Meal Share

Where everyone has a seat at the table.

The Mountaineer Meal Share is a short-term assistance program developed in partnership with the Student Government Association, Dining Services and the Office of the Dean of Students. The program allocates money towards meals for students in need. Allocations are made to students whose meal plan balance drops below $25, or who are experiencing food insecurity and do not have a meal plan. Students who submit a request through Mountaineer Meal Share will be able to recieve up to $100. Students may apply each semester if assistance is needed.

Receiving Meals

Need temporary assistance in obtaining meals? Complete the Mountaineer Meal Share Request Form!

Once your request has been submitted, the Office of the Dean of Students will review the submited information. Requests will be reviewed in a timely manner. An email notification will be sent to you regarding your application eligibability and status. If you need immedaite food asssistance please visit one of our food pantries or come into the Office of the Dean of Students to learn about resources and options. 

If your request is approved, funding provided by Mountaineer Meal Share will be directly deposited into your AppCard and can be used at any Appalchian dining facility where your AppCard is accepted. Please know that funds are not transferred to your account immediately upon submission of the request form. Please allow a few days for the transaction to process. 

Note: Should you need to submit more than one request through Mountaineer Meal Share, a Case Manager may request to schedule a time to discuss your request further. 


Mountaineer Food Hub & Free Store (on campus food resources)

Watauga Food Council (food resources within the community)